Category: Flat Earth

Flat Earth Awakening

The Flat Earth Awakening

There is a flat earth awakening taking place across the UK, the US, Canada, France, Germany, Australia, and across all of Europe as well. This flat earth awakening stems from a new awareness of the corruption and evil of all governments, the fake news and the indoctrination. It has never […]

Flat Earth Book

Our Best Selling Flat Earth Book

“Flat Earth: What The Bible Actually Says, Every Verse In The Bible On Creation” is our best selling book, especially the audio version. The book is available in ebook versions for Apple, Kindle, and in paperback and hardcover, as well as in audio through which also shows up on […]

Flat Earth: What The Bible Actually Says

Flat Earth: What The Bible Actually Says

Here’s is an excerpt from the book Flat Earth: What The Bible Actually Says, and this is Chapter 1. How does God describe the creation of the earth? When you read all the verses and put the whole story together, it is nothing less than astonishing! This book will affirm […]

What is scientism?

What is Scientism?

What is scientism? Pseudoscience and scientism have taken over the entire scientific community in the U.S. as well as in nearly all other countries of the world. It’s been so subtle and so persuasive over a long period of time of strategic propaganda that pseudoscience crept in before any of […]

How Could Pastors Be Fooled By Heliocentrism?

How Could Pastors Be Fooled By Heliocentrism?

How could pastors be fooled by heliocentrism? How could sincere pastors mix scientism with sound biblical hermeneutics? How could pastors possibly have been fooled into believing anti-God rhetoric from the atheist community? These are some of the most relevant questions of the day for churches. I’m not talking about pastors […]

Books Online Club

Looking for a Great Book to Read? Here it is . . .

If you sell your existing home now for top dollar, and you buy your ideal retirement home for top dollar in your perfect location, you’ll be in good shape. You bought high, but you sold high, so it could be considered a wash. If this plays out for you before the crash, you won’t need this book. But . . . If the market crash comes before you sell your existing home, you will live in a parallel Universe, and you could suffer devastating losses in a national and International crash of epic proportions not seen since 1929. This is precisely why I wrote this book—to alert you to what is happening below the radar of main street media, and far below the radar of what the politicians and the central banks want you to know. I want you to avoid losing your retirement dreams.

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