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Flat Earth Books
Casper Sarginson  

Books Online Club’s Authors Are Selling Books in 12 Countries Around The World

Flat Earth BooksBooks OnlineBooks Online is thrilled to report that our authors’ books are selling in 12 countries around the world. In another article we discussed the awakening that is taking place today, not just in America, but in Canada, Australia, and in Europe, too. It’s really amazing, although the main stream media certainly won’t mention this. Here’s a vignette of our worldwide sales, which shows you our recent sales to what is obviously citizens in these countries who are very interested in researching the subject of flat earth, and for most of us this starts with doubts about the globe earth in a heliocentric system.

This vignette shows both print and digital versions of our books, but does not show audiobook sales. It also reflects sales in the past months, which means our new publications which are selling well, will be reflected on future reports.

Our best selling book for a time has been Flat Earth: What The Bible Actually Says–Every Verse in the Bible on Creation, but recently one of our newer books, Flat Earth: Satan’s Global Plan of Deception–Heliocentrism Exposed, has taken the number one sales spot.

Also popular have been Flat Earth: A Biblical and Scientific Approach, Flat Earth: The Evil Psychology of Heliocentrism, Flat Earth v. Globe Earth: How Scientism Invaded The Church, Flat Earth: How Science Replaced God and Deceived The Whole World, Flat Earth: 50 Reasons, and Flat Earth: God’s Genesis Surprise.

Won’t you join us in this exciting pursuit of truth? You can read and listen to our books, but you can also participate by becoming an Affiliate and earn a 30% affiliate fee on every sale. You can promote your affiliate link on your Youtube channel or on social media, like Twitter and Facebook and Instagram, and you’ll not only be making some passive income, you’ll be spreading the word, and that’s the most valuable participation you could have here. [See How to Become an Affiliate]

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